The most comprehensive content analysis in the world.

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Your Order

Content Audit$0

Compliment Your Audit

20% OFF a Live Consult
I hate it, but I charge $240 per hour right meow. For giving me your trust and time, I'd like to give you mine back with a one-time, 20% off consult.

This hour is dedicated to helping you understand the Audit, create a workflow to apply my findings, and answer any questions you might have. :)

Note: Spots are Limited.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Small Business ($190.00)$190.00
  • Preferred option
    Complete ($750.00)$750.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Payment Details

This is a one-time payment for a Complete Content Audit.

Payment will be deducted from your account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or Paypal.

Don't want to use USD? Go to and select the correct currency for you. :)

  • Refund Notice
    These Audits take quite a bit of time and are available as a large digital download packet. As such, I cannot offer refunds on them. If I haven't started my research, I'll do what I can to facilitate what you need within reason. Send me an email and let's work together. :)
  • What Happens After Payment?
    You'll be redirected to a form. This form will give me information, like your goals, target audience, and other important information I need to get started. I cannot start until I have this information - without it, the Audit wouldn't have your context and needs accounted for! Please fill it out asap. :D
  • When Can I Expect Delivery?
    Please allow two weeks of delivery.
  • What's the Difference Between a Small Business and Complete Audit?
    A full audit takes me about seven hours, the price of which isn't accessible for most artists and small businesses.

    The Complete version is especially useful for large businesses with multiple content platforms, revenue streams, and multi-faceted needs. On the other hand, the Small Business version is less technical and contains step-by-step options, suitable for people who may not be confident in social media marketing.

Your Complete 

Content Audit Includes:

Diagnosis - identifies exactly what the problem is, including ones you may not know about. 

Checklist - easy to understand checklist of things you can do within thirty minutes to improve your algorithmic reach.

Comprehensive Target Audience Data - workflows to make sure you're hitting your target audience, not just random people.

Dedicated Analysis - an analysis of each finding so you aren’t left wondering what to do. This includes a post analysis and examples, audience critiques, and important accounts you should engage with.

Guided Solutions - Alongside your data and diagnosis, expect a write-up of potential solutions to help you achieve your goals.

Access to Personal Support - Never feel alone in your social media struggles again. After an audit, you gain special access to our community of experts & fellow small business owners.

  • Total payment
  • 1xContent Audit$0

All prices in USD

️ Audit Reviews:

Oh my god! Kino you are incredible!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul.


The document was awesome!!! Thank you!!


(about the prototype) 

This is beautiful already. So much value.
